To register your child, please follow the instructions below.
This page is for parents of children who are new to the league. If you are a returning parent, please visit the "How to Register - Returning Parents" page.
Use the "Register" link to begin the registration process.
New users will see the following page (Create New Account):
Please create an account and proceed through the registration wizard. Step 1 is to enter your information as a parent of a child in the league. You may also enter additional parents or guardians who will have responsibility for your participants.
After entering your info, you will need to choose what type of registration you are attempting. Choose to register as the parent of a participant as shown below:
After choosing your role, you will enter the information of your first player in
Step 2:
You will land on
Step 3 after adding your first participant. If you have additional participants, click the "Add Another Participant" button to add more children:
Once all your participants have been added, click the "Continue" button to complete the registration wizard.
The registration wizard will collect information about the uniform requirements, present options for volunteering, and collect payment. You can also pay by check at a later date by choosing the "Check" payment option.
Good luck!
If you have any questions, please email the
GNGLL Information Officer ([email protected]).